Our story

We have participated in international processes and mechanisms, facilitated national level processes, and led implementation on the ground. We have come together to continue to translate the international agenda into national and local policies, plans and projects grounded in our belief that integrated, inclusive approaches deliver transformative systems and sustainable solutions.

Our mission

Collectively, we agree to ensure women’s empowerment, gender equality, and social justice are at the core of institutional, national and local-level policies, plans, and projects that contribute to achieving equitable and sustainable environmental and climate solutions.

Why we are here

A global crisis.

Climate change is the most pressing challenge of our time, and its causes and consequences are entwined with the unjust, inequitable, and destructive systems that govern our world. We are at a critical juncture for necessary action to address the climate crisis and avoid greater threats and loss than we are already experiencing. Meeting this challenge requires transformational and systemic change from how we power our homes and build our cities, to how we feed our families, buy products, and move around.

An international agenda.

The international community has built an agenda for addressing environmental degradation and the climate crisis. But we need action on the ground to implement the change necessary to thwart additional crises, and build environmental and community resilience—particularly for the most marginalized communities.

National and local action.

The widespread and unprecedented impacts of environmental degradation and climate change already disproportionately burden the poorest, most vulnerable and marginalized groups, magnifying existing and overlapping inequalities. Gender is a critical intersectional dimension that must be recognized, understood and addressed to successfully and sustainably mitigate, adapt and build resilience to climate change across our communities.

Our Clients

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 EnGen Collaborators


Margaux Granat

Founder & Director

Margaux (she/her) is a Gender and Climate Specialist with international and intergovernmental experience delivering inclusive and sustainable development results. She has diverse experience in conducting research and analysis on the linkages between gender and environment to identify gaps and technical needs, and to inform priority gender mainstreaming actions in climate and natural resource management initiatives.

She has multiple years of experience facilitating stakeholder engagement and capacity building at all levels for inclusive and comprehensive consultation, and to support uptake and ownership of gender mainstreaming, women’s empowerment and social inclusion elements across sectors. She provides a systems-thinking and intersectional approach, recognizing the importance of context and catalyzing socio-economic issues, such as labor, youth empowerment, indigenous engagement, and livelihoods opportunities critical to sustainable climate and societal outcomes.


A.R. Emmett Boyer (they/them) is a gender, environment, and international policy specialist, with a demonstrated history working on environmental justice, climate change, and the intersection of gender equality and sustainable development. Across their portfolio of work and experiences, Emmett has prioritized gender-responsive and socially inclusive approaches, recognizing and championing the key roles of women, youth, Indigenous Peoples, LGBTQ individuals, and other historically marginalized groups in leading adaptation, mitigation, and resilience-building solutions. They are skilled in conducting intensive and in-depth research on gender and social inclusion related to environmental sectors, tailoring publications and recommendations to a wide range of audiences with up-to-date information on data, policies, mandates, and best practices. Their technical expertise lends support in building capacity of decision-makers, raising awareness on human rights issues and principles, and determining strategic priorities to strengthen equitable and sustainable outcomes for all. Emmett is based in Toronto, Canada, and they enjoy photography, playing board games, and spending time with friends and family. 


Molly Gilligan (she/her) is a gender and environmental policy specialist with international experience supporting the development of gender-responsive environmental and climate change policies and programmes. Molly has specialized experience in measuring the gender and environment nexus though indicator development, data collection, analysis, and knowledge product development and dissemination, with partners across environmental and development spheres at international, regional, and national level.

Molly earned a Master of Science in Environmental Policy from Bard College. Her thesis focused on a socio-ecological systems approach to assessing household vulnerability in Uganda. She holds a B.A. in Environmental Geology from Colgate University. Molly lives in the DC-area with her spouse, Brian, and their cat, Fred.


Emma Jones-Phillipson (she/her) is a gender, policy and climate specialist with international experience developing, implementing and assessing projects and policy in LDCs. She holds an MSc in Public Policy and Administration from the London School of Economics, where her thesis investigated women's empowerment in the context of South Africa's social protection scheme. Emma has extensive experience in conducting desktop analysis, primary research, stakeholder consultation and fieldwork, as well as interpreting and appraising social and economic data through a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. She has held a number of roles in climate, policy, development and operations and worked for a range of clients including South African and international NGOs, UN agencies, and various LDC country governments. Emma lives in Cape Town, South Africa with her cat, Lilith and enjoys quad skating and teaching and practising yoga.

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Melissa Luna (she/her) is a gender and social inclusion specialist with broad experience in conservation-development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. She brings immense passion and commitment to gender equality and social inclusion to environmental programming, and specializes in the fisheries sector. Melissa possesses a thorough understanding of complex gender-environment interactions, having conducted extensive research on gender-environment linkages, including gender-based violence, and designed strategies and action plans for addressing social risks and opportunities. Melissa is a dual citizen of the United States and Mexico (where she currently resides), speaks English and Spanish fluently, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Chemistry and a Master’s degree in Marine and Environmental Affairs. Outside of her professional ambitions, Melissa enjoys cooking, dinner parties with friends, traveling and spending time near (or in) the ocean. She also teaches and practices yoga in her spare time.


Sarah Eissler (she/her) is a gender and evaluation specialist with broad international experience designing, implementing, and analyzing mixed-methods research and evaluation projects that address issues in agriculture, food security and nutrition, climate change, women’s empowerment, and the environment. She has a dual PhD in Rural Sociology and Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment from Penn State University, where she explored intra-household gender dynamics of small-scale cacao production in Indonesia, specifically looking at differences in how men and women perceive impacts of climate change and leverage resources to respond. She continues to consult on research and evaluation projects, primarily with a gender-focused lens, to validate proof of concepts, publish empirical findings, and/or generate recommendations to strengthen gender-transformative policy and practices. She is currently based in Philadelphia. Outside of work, she enjoys hiking, surfing, running and spending time with her spouse, Porter, and their dog, Ted.